The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry is housed in the Dow Science Center. Dow includes multimedia-equipped classrooms, a computer lab, a student lounge, and the Chemistry and Biology labs. For more details on the equipment used by the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, please see our instrumentation page.
Chemistry students benefit from a close working relationship with faculty members in an atmosphere that encourages research. Majors gain preparation suitable for graduate study in chemistry, biochemistry, chemical and materials engineering, environmental sciences, pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, clinical chemistry, or molecular biology. Other professional schools open to chemistry graduates include: human, dental, or veterinary medicine; business administration; or patent or environmental law. Majors will also have a background appropriate for becoming a professional research or process chemist in industrial, pharmaceutical, or government laboratories; teaching high school or community college chemistry; doing environmental monitoring or remediation; working in sales, product development, or in laboratory safety; becoming a writer on science topics, working in science libraries or other information services, doing conservation work in art museums; or performing forensic analyses for law enforcement agencies.